Yes, you read the title correctly, we are moving to Zeigler Illinois. Chris has agreed to be First Baptist Church of Zeigler's new pastor. This particular part of the journey came almost as big of a shock to us as finding out we were pregnant again. In November, the day before we found out we were expecting (in fact the very night I felt the baby move for the first time), Chris received a call from the pastor search committee at this church. They had recieved his resume, from a pastor I had when I was a child, and I ran into in April of last year. We were not looking to leave the place of service we are currently at, but God began to change our hearts to match his plans. The week of Thanksgiving we met with this search committee, because we were home for Thanksgiving in Illinois, and felt that we should take the opportunity to follow God however he may lead. When we left the meeting on the drive home I could feel God beginning to change my heart. The holidays came and went and so our desire grew deeper for this church in Zeigler, mostly people we had still never met. Chris, Joselyn, and I packed our bags and headed to Zeigler a few weeks ago for Chris to preach in veiw of a call. The following week, this past week, was the week of waiting, while we waited for Sunday to roll around again and for the call from the search committee to let Chris know if the vote was in his favor. On Sunday we arrived home from church and there was a message on the answering machine, we had already missed the call. So they called back about an hour later, and it was confirmed that God was in deed calling us to Zeigler Illinois. So, we move the Monday after Easter. I will be 28 weeks pregnant and Josleyn will be fourteen months old. I feel sorriest for Chris during the actual moving process, because I am useless and can't lift anything, and Joselyn, well we will just say she loves to unpack things. Not to mention the "stuff" or "junk" like a nice light piano, new living room furniture, a new bedroom of child realated items, and many more items we have aquired in the three short years we have lived here. In spite of the fuzziness that now overwhelmes our minds we are very BLESSED to be taking this journey, and look forward to what God may have in store.
Well, we had been gone all last week, and I was really looking forward to getting back on a schedule this week. I did achieve doing laundry all week, but other than that we pretty much had a relaxed schedule, until today. I decided I was going to try to get Joselyn back into "good habits" for rest time. All last week we mainly held her or layed down with her to get her to sleep in the many strange places we had taken her. I want her to gain great consistency before her little sister arrrives. So her AM nap I put her in her crib and left the room, no fussing she just went to sleep. Again for her PM nap I put her in her crib, no fussing she just went to sleep. Finally came bed time, which is often the hardest for me to just put her to bed, but I put her in her crib, no fussing she just went to sleep. I still believe my first born may very well be the best child ever, but she never ceases to amaze me by her great maturity at such an early age. I thank God everyday for blessing us with such a flexable personality in our first born.
Welcome to our blog! We are very excited to share our lives with you, so I will try to catch you up to date. Chris and I met in 1999, and fell in love, We got married on June 8 2002. We then moved to New Orleans, La and started attending New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2004 Chris received his Bachelors Degree and I received a Certificate in Woman's Ministry, I also decided to postpone going to school for a little while, and was already teaching 2 year-olds at the preschool on campus. In early 2005 we felt led to pursue our lives in Louisville KY, so Chris could finish his schooling at Southern Seminary. He had applied and we thought we would move and Chris would start school again in January 2006 at Southern Seminary. On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina sped our move along landing us in Louisville in September 2005. Chris began school that semester, and I became a nanny. In February 2006, a church in the deep country of Kentucky began to interview Chris to be their pastor. In June we moved from Louisville to Lodiburg KY, and Chris is currently pursuing his ministry as Walnut Grove Baptist Church's pastor. I became a teacher at a nearby Head Start. After many years of trying to have a child, God answered our prayers and in June 2007 we concieved a little girl who was born on February 16 2008, now known as Joselyn Elise. In May I began the career path of my dreams as a stay at home Wife and Mother. What happened next I think was one of God's biggest Blessings, and Biggest Surprises in our lives, the conception of our second child, a mere seven months (Or so we think) after our first child had been born. I myself did not really think me conceiving on my own would ever be possible, but I beleive God opened my womb, and grew my faith in a huge way. So our next child is due July 5 2009. Stay tuned for shorter updates on our Journey.