The last two weeks have been eventful as usual. We are trying to get out as much as possible before this next little Funkhouser arrives. At my 35 week appointment I was ordered to have an ultrasound to check on the baby's size, and to see how much longer my cervix was going to hold up. She weighed in at 7 pound, 7 ounces, and her head is in proportion to her body, meaning she is as large as a baby who is 38 weeks along. My cervix is shorter than it should be, but not at a dangerous level yet. I was dilated 1-2 cm and 50% effaced.
At my 36 week appointment we talked about the baby's size and then during the exam the resident said she could not tell where I was dilated at all, so I got in to see the doctor and she discovered the baby is very posterior, but cervix was completely effaced. This explains all the back pain I have been having. My doctor promised me she would not let me go over my due date, because of the baby's size.
37 weeks started with a Doctor's appointment, followed by a trip to the hospital. My doctor once again during the exam could not get to my cervix because of the baby's positioning, and did a quick ultrasound in her office to find that the baby's head is under my hip bone, the baby is not moving the same as she was due to her positioning. I was sent to the hospital for a non stress test and a more advanced ultrasound. They monitored the baby for a few hours and she looks good and healthy! I had some irregularity in my monitoring though, so at this point we are hoping the pattern is that of pre-labor. It could be an infection, but I have no other symptoms of an infection. They sent us home, which was very depressing walking out of the hospital with out a newborn in my arms. But she is healthy and better off inside until she is ready to come out. I have been doing my best to induce labor naturally this week, but nothing is working. The baby's position now explains why. There is hope that once active labor commences she will descend like she should, but I have a rather large fear of having an unpleasant labor followed by a csection. I am pretty sure that a csection and a 16 month-old don't mesh well, but I have to put my faith in the Lord and fervently pray to go into labor very soon. Whatever God's will may be for this child he has created inside of me, and for my own health, his plans are greater than my own!
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