5,4,and 2

5,4,and 2

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

35 week update

Joselyn is so loving towards her little sister already!

Me in all my glory, I feel like I am going to explode already!

This week at the Dr. I was 1.5 to 2 cm dilated, let's just say this exam was a little painful, so she couldn't get a good estimate, 60% effaced and -1 station. I have to take the contraction medicine for one more week and then we get to see what will happen. She scheduled an ultrasound for Thursday to check my cervical length, and the size of the baby. I have an infection of some sort, but they are not certain where it is coming from, so they are going to do more lab work on it. I am starting to slow down a lot, I feel like a helpless person, and Chris is having to tack on more of the household stuff to his already insane schedule of working. Joselyn has been coping well, no pacifier for over a week now and she is doing great. I still don't have bows made for Anison's lack of hair when she is born, the car seat is not even in the car, and no one's bag is fully packed. I feel like there is a ton to do, but some how I am finding peace in getting nothing accomplished. I know God in his sovereignty is completely in control, and look forward to this blessing even more as the days grow closer.

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