5,4,and 2

5,4,and 2

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

34 Week update................

My doctor's appointments are every week now, and as of Thursday I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was a little shocked when she told me this, I did not think you dilated so early after your first child. I have had increasing issues that have talked about in previous blogs, so I have been put on more medicine and am sporting some new support garments. Everything went well at the appointment, the baby is BIG already and head down ready to meet everyone. My Doctor and I discussed many things, bed rest and how I should be on it, but she realizes that I have a fifteen month old so she did not push the issue. She did an ultrasound to get a good idea of how the baby is laying. She told me no more traveling over an hour away from Carbondale. We also discussed a plan for these contractions I have been having, and she said to continue taking the meds for two more weeks, and then she thinks once I am off them the baby will come very quickly. I am to go to the hospital anytime the contractions make a pattern no matter how far apart they are. I have been told by my mother-in-law that she will not be very happy if I have this baby this week because she will be out of town, so I am going to try to behave on her behalf.

I have been experiencing a vast array of emotions lately, and am still in a state of shock that this baby might be here in two weeks. I am not ready, I know I would never fully be ready anyway, but it is all going to my head a little these days. I have started to pack everyones hospital bags, but nothing is finished and there is still a lot to be done, I am trying to listen to my husbands advice and remember she is coming whether I have the room painted or hospital bags packed. The second child definitely gets less of an organized parent out of me that is for sure. I am getting more and more nervous about labor and delivery, my biggest fear is that in the end she will be to big and I will have to have a c-section, or as always that we won't make it to the hospital. At the same time I am over being pregnant, not one of my finer moments, and can't wait to meet her and see how Joselyn will react to being a big sister. I am dying to loose this baby weight and am waiting to pull that new double stroller out and rack up the miles. We hooked the Wii up last night and I got on it for the first time in 115 days, lets just say my Mii character is now 29 pounds heavier and has no balance.

This part of the journey is getting ready to change our lives once again, and I am consistently confronted with God's Glory and Grace through it all! I pray that our family might seek to Glorify and honor him in all that we do!

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